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Now retired but busy still living..

Sunday, 5 January 2020

New Plans...

Now that Christmas and New Year have come and gone Anne and I will start to make plans for this year's touring...

 We have decided that we will stay on at this location until after Easter...
 The main reason is that it makes sense to stay here over the Easter holiday period because if we were to book into a club campsite they will charge us an inflated price for our stay as it is a bank and school holiday.

 If we stay here we will only be paying our seasonal rate for Easter which is far less than either of the club's charge for the same period. We will in effect be staying on here for an extra three weeks before heading on to our regular spring visit to Dorset.

 We will be in Dorset for about six weeks but we haven't decided yet which site we will stay at.
 Whilst there we will have the caravan serviced and I as usual will be having various medical checks.....

 We are undecided as yet where we will move on to from there....
 Over the next two/three months we should  start to formulate our destination plans for this year's touring season.
 When we have come up with some ideas I will share the plans with you as always......

 On the cycling front I am now starting to get into improving  my fitness after some very high chocolate consumption over the past month 😊...
 Trying to lose weight is my number one priority right now....

 Below are some images of posters and shirts that were on the walls of a new cafe we found in Tavistock about a week ago...
 The owner is a keen cyclist and even offers a discount on your bill if you arrive by bike...


Dave said...

I have that middle poster also. Cycling the B3357 to Princetown a few times a week will soon get up up and running.

TrevorW�� said...

When we started our simpler touring life all my cycling books.posters and other paraphernalia were sold on but I have to say that I have learned to not miss them 😊 too much From our current location I use the B3212 to cycle up to Princetown. Sometimes I return on the B3357 turning off just past the C&CC and then passing the golf club before heading to Horrabridge and back to the Yelverton area...

Six weeks off.

 The visit to see the Consultant went quite well really ...   My ' numbers' have started to creep up again so I am going to be given...