Wednesday, 1 February 2012


It's been a good January on the cycling front here at Purple Towers.... 

After failing to reach my 2011 mileage target of 10,000 miles by just under 646 miles -  2012 has started really well.
Helped by the mild weather that we have experienced during January I managed to achieve  1019 miles total for the month....This is a real first for me as I have never passed 1000 miles so early in the year. I'm pretty pleased with that, especially as I also achieved 'nearly OAP' status of 64...I will update my blog mileage counter at the weekend as normal.

We shall just have to see how the rest of the year pans out, but I have high hopes that if everything works out well I will hit my stupid target this year. I don't know why I set myself targets, other than giving myself something to aim at. However I do get a lot of fun trying to achieve them and perhaps that is reason enough.....

February has started a lot colder with freezing conditions last night and patchy ice on the roads today.....I took it very easy out on my ride today as I don't want another broken collarbone...once was enough! 

I got back home after three and a half hours with blocks of ice on the end of my legs. 
Well , actually my feet were still there, but they did feel like blocks of ice. 
I ride wearing two pairs of socks (1 thick & 1 thinner) plus a pair of overshoes and I still suffer with frozen feet.....
I'm nice and warm, it's just my feet. I am fine for the first couple of hours but after that my feet just get colder and colder......

Does anyone else suffer with this? If so what do you do to keep your little tootsies warm?


  1. thats great mileage! Think ive achieved about half of that so far. Lets hope the bad weather contiues to stay away and then you'll get to meet your desired target!

  2. 3 tootsie tips,Trevor.
    1 Heat Holder socks £4.50 inc postage on eBay
    2. Blue Mountain Furry Pile socks (actually slipper-socks) From Cotswold Outdoor.
    3If I'm going to be sitting at the computer for any length of time, I pop my lower half into an old lightweight sleeping bag.

    Old codgers gotta stick together !

  3. *Jez Andrews*
    Thanks Jez....I'm certainly working at it. The start to February doesn't bode well though.....

    Thanks OM I will look into those this evening...As you say "Old codgers gotta stick together".

  4. Although I commute in Canadian winters, I have no experience with keeping my feet warm over longer periods of time like you are describing.

    I would look into toe / foot warmer packs that hunters, climbers and other outdoorsy types use.

  5. I would say skip all the socks and go for some "Grabber Heat Treat Foot Warmer Insoles". I used them last year and they were fantastic!

  6. *RANTWICK* * *greg*
    I have done a lot of winter hill walking over the years and have never suffered with cold feet during walking or climbing activities...It just seems to be whilst road cycling.
    I will put your suggestions on my list to investigate. Thanks both of you for your comments.

  7. I´m Sorry, but I don´t write good english. Good year 2012 and 10.000 miles it´s very hard but it´s posible.

  8. Interesting how you have set annual cycling miles, giving me some thoughts of target runnung miles for myself and i am thinking hard about it! Thanks !

  9. I've been told that wearing a pair of silk socks under a pair of woollen socks and overshoes works well. Also warming creams have been suggested. I haven't put these to the test though and generally just wear 2 pairs of socks (1 wool) and overshoes. However I've just ordered some rather smart looking black silk socks.

  10. I saw in TV a new winter sport: snow bicycle! :)

  11. I was happy to have about 100 "Outside " miles on my bike in January. It looks like I've got to ramp it up.

  12. *Alex* & *Wong Ching Wah*
    Thanks for the comments guys....

    *Pete Bradbury*
    I have found that a silk sleeping bag liner can add extra warmth whilst winter camping so your silk socks idea seems worth giving a try...thanks Pete.

    *Mr Paparazzo*
    I know a few people that have those and it certainly seems a lot of fun...

    Your obviously a lot more sensible than me Jeff....The trouble with targets is that they can become a bit obsessive...

  13. The only thing that has worked for me are neoprene shoe covers. I've ridden in temperatures down to -5 degrees Fahrenheit with neoprene. Yes, sock liners, especially silk, help a lot, but the neoprene acts are both a barrier to the cold air, and as an insulator.

  14. Hi Jim...Nice to hear from you again.
    Yes...that's what I'm wearing - neoprene overshoes/shoe covers plus a couple of pairs of socks. My circulation is fine so I don't understand why a couple of hours is about max before my feet start to get really cold...
    You say -5F do you not mean -5C ?
