Sunday, 25 March 2012


This weekend my mobile phone gave up on life..... 
The problem first started when JD and I were cycling back from Gibraltar last September. 
I noticed that a couple of the keys were only working on an intermittent basis. 
Not really a problem when using the phone as a phone but when using it for texts or more importantly if I wanted to send a new post to this blog it was becoming a pain to use. 

The problem became really bad during this past week and by the weekend it was impossible to use. 
I have had the phone for four years and it was because of the phone that I started this blog. 
The phone had a permanent App for Blogger pre-loaded, so I thought that I would try it out and here we now are after almost four years of blogging. 

I was really happy with the did everything that I wanted...took reasonable enough photos for uploading and most important of all....I felt comfortable using it. 
Funnily enough one of the things that I most liked about it (real keys) was the very thing that let it down in the end. 
I have avoided touch screen cameras....and was hoping to avoid touch screen phones......but things move on. 

This weekend I made a visit to the same phone shop where I bought my phone last time. 
Patience must be on the interview checklist for phone shop sales assistants.....and believe me the guy that served me needed all the patience he could muster. 
Trying to get me to understand anything to do with electronics and new technology requires a degree in patience and a full diploma in teaching ability....... 
As I said things move on and it all seems to be Android & i Phone these days. 
Touch screens seem to be everywhere. 

Anyway, I now have a new phone.....although trying to use it is a bit of an adventure in itself. 
I can manage to send a text and also make a phone call, but beyond that it still remains a mystery. I haven't managed to access the Internet on it yet and I need to do that in order to download an App for Blogger. 
I am sure that given a week or two and probably a visit back to the shop to clear up the queries I am left with, all will become clear....well lets just say misty and not foggy. 
What really annoys me is that the User's Manual is on a disc...... 

What's all this got to do with cycling I hear you say......
Well I like to update posts to this blog when I am on cycle touring trips and a good phone enables me to do I can have a radio and mp3 player and also a camera all built in helping to reduce my overall weight on the bike........

'What a Pain' it is getting used to something new. 


  1. Have fun.
    I may be in the same boat as my phone is three years old.
    The kids whisper "clamshell" and giggle and snicker behind my back.

  2. I sure am happy your phone had that blogger app on it. I really enjoy checking your blog. I would be interested to know which blog app you will be using on this phone, as I have not loaded one on mine yet.

    Thanks for the post!

  3. You have my sympathy, but I'm laughing too. The learning curve is terribly steep on these things.

  4. *limom*
    I don't know if I would describe it as fun....New technology is old technology by the time I get to it.

    Nice of you to say that.....

    I will certainly let you know what Blogger App I go for.
    I reckon it will be about another 10 days before I get around to doing that.

    Thanks for the sympathy and you are right the learning curve is very steep.
    I can cope with 25% hills on the bike, but this thing must be about 50%..LOL

  5. Trevor, you sound like me when it comes to cell phones, I too have keys instead of a touch pad.I'm do for an upgrade and I'm dreading the thought of having to figure out a new one.:(

  6. *Paul*
    I much prefer keys...but touchscreens
    seem to be of luck with the upgrade.
