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Now retired but busy still living..

Tuesday 31 August 2010


Well as promised I am on my way back. For about the last two months ever since taking part in John D's charity ride it has been as if my life has been on hold. I can now start to look forward again.

Earlier today I had my last session of Radiotherapy. I now have to wait about 8 weeks before I see the Oncologist. At that meeting I will find out if the Radiotherapy and the drugs (which I will be on for another 6 weeks) have had the desired effect. If it's good news then I will have checks every 6 months and then hopefully get an all clear in about two years. It will take a few weeks apparently before I start to feel any recovery from all the treatments- but I am getting there. I decided to stop the postings on this blog because I realised that each day was going to be the same as the day before- a bit like 'Groundhog Day' and not a lot to write about. These pictures show what I saw every day for about the past 8 weeks. The staff at the Dorset Cancer Unit were really good and I will miss seeing them and the other patients every day- but the treatment really did knock me for six. Now I will start on the road called recovery.

Six weeks off.

 The visit to see the Consultant went quite well really ...   My ' numbers' have started to creep up again so I am going to be given...