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Now retired but busy still living..

Sunday 5 April 2020

Getting a good routine .....

One of the things that I think is important during this period of Covid19 lockdown is getting a good routine going... It helps to deal with what could be a very difficult time.

 By having a good daily routine it stops you having periods of boredom and gives you a basic blueprint to help fill your day.....
 We tend to rise at roughly the same time each day and following ablutions and breakfast I will normally complete one or two small tasks around the van..... Following coffee  for elevenses, if it's one of my riding days the next couple of hours will be riding the bike...

  I am riding the turbo only at the moment and using on line interactive training programmes....
 I know a lot of people don't like riding turbos or static bikes but I have to admit I actually quite enjoy it.
 I find it much easier to focus my training on certain areas of my cycling in a way that isn't so easily possible when out on the road......

 Following the bike ride and a shower it's then time for lunch. Following lunch I then give myself a couple of hours to complete some more tasks such as cleaning one of the cars or now and again the caravan...
 Then on days when I haven't ridden the bike I will go out for a short walk and when I return it will be time for afternoon tea and a slice of cake....

 I will then spend an hour or two on the computer catching up on the various blogs and vlogs that I follow. It will then be getting on for time for our evening meal and settle down for some reading or TV for the evening...

Both Anne and I find that by having a basic plan for the day it enables us to deal with this lockdown in a more positive way .....

I have included below some snapshots of one of our regular walks along which we hardly meet anyone at all.......

I hope everyone that checks into this blog is coping with the major changes to our lives that we are all having to deal with through these difficult times.
 Keep well and keep safe .....

Six weeks off.

 The visit to see the Consultant went quite well really ...   My ' numbers' have started to creep up again so I am going to be given...