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Now retired but busy still living..

Saturday 19 March 2022

Six weeks off.

 The visit to see the Consultant went quite well really ...   My ' numbers' have started to creep up again so I am going to be given a different treatment. I am going to be given a break of six weeks before starting the new treatment so that is better than nothing although it is not the remission that I had been hoping for .

 I was also given some news regarding the lump in the middle of my chest. The latest scan has shown it to be where two broken bones have fused  together badly overlapping and causing the lump. 

Apparently I had broken my sternum and that created the two separate bones that have now joined together badly. Breaking bones is one of the effects of the cancer. I have already broken various ribs etc. I must admit I did wonder why it hurt so much when I tried to take a deep breath. It was  my rib cage being forced apart where the sternum had broken .

 On a different note I am thinking of closing this blog down. Ten years ago I used to have large numbers visiting the blog and leaving comments but in those days my content was purely cycle related. Since then Vlogging on youtube has become popular and I think that it has had a big effect on the humble blog.... Also I don't think that people really want to read about the day to day problems of a cyclist with Terminal cancer..

 Anyway.  ....   these days the number of visits to the blog is very low and the number of comments is also low apart from a few regulars who comment every time they visit the blog. Without those comments it often feels that I am blogging to an empty audience and I now feel 'what is the point'. 

With Terminal cancer some weeks I really do struggle to post anything to the blog and I often feel that I am talking to myself. Anyway...  over the next few weeks I will think more about this but if the blog doesn't appear for sometime you will know that I made the decision to stop posting.As with life all things must come to an end 

The picture at the head of this blog post shows just some of the flowers that Anne manages to look after on our pitch.


Frank Kernow said...

Trevor I'm always happy to hear from you especially during your current difficult time, I can appreciate how you feel regarding the reducing number of followers, let's hope you can get back on the bicycles & we're always here if you need a chat by phone or even better if you're up to a visit. Keep strong mate. Frank & Sue.

The bike shed said...

The strange thing about blogging is that you never quite know where your words will end up. That said, I guess I write as much to be clear in my own mind as to 'tell' anything to others.
But whatever your decision I have enjoyed popping by ad wish you well.
You can, by the way, get a printed or pdf record of your blog for posterity using services like blog2print - their books are good but pricey; the pdf's very cheap and a nice simple printed record.
Try here https://www.blog2print.com/

Peter said...

Thanks for the blog Trevor, it's good to hear that the numbers are going down and that you will have some time off the treatment.
Just want to say that I appreciate the blog and being able to know what you are going through and get your view on it all. It helps me to have some understanding of what it means for you and others in your situation but I do find it hard to know how to comment as it is so outside of my experience. I have always been impressed by how you have managed to do a blog, even going back to when you would be typing it out on your phone at the end of a backpacking day and now through cancer but I understand why you may now stop.
Thinking of you always.

TrevorW�� said...

@Frank Kernow
Thanks Frank. Hopefully we will be able to arrange something soon. ...

TrevorW�� said...

@The bike shed
Thanks for taking the time to comment. That is very interesting information about blog2print. I will certainly check them out.

TrevorW�� said...

Thanks for the comments Peter. It's well outside of my experience too. The prostate cancer was a doddle compared to this. I had to smile with your memories of me in my tent blogging into the night after a hard day of backpacking. Happy days... Happy memories.

Gayle said...

I'm guilty of almost never commenting on the blogs I read, and quite probably don't show up in the reader stats either, as I use an RSS reader. However, I just wanted to pop in, in case you do decide to blog no more, to thank you for all the words you've written over the years. I can't remember when I started following, but it was a lot of years ago (which makes my lack of comment even worse, doesn't it?).

TrevorW�� said...

Thank you so much for your comment and also for all the years that you have followed the blog. Your comment at this time has really cheered me up and I really do appreciate you taking the time to post it......

Dave said...

Trevor, I often feel the same about my blog as I'm not able to include any other content than what's is happening to me. I cant cycle anywhere, dont do anything on the bikes, and at the moment dont even go for a walk to take pictures. I too will have a think about it.

I have just spent a month in hospital with a blocked bowel and after 2 weeks they operated to replumb me. Anyway its working again and I'm back home, I've lost more weight and am very weak, but at least I'm eating again.
I am due another bout of chemo as they fond cancer in the pelvic area.

However I do enjoy reading what's happening to you and following your journey. and I take great heart from it. I would miss our communications.
Take care.

Alan Sloman said...

Hi Trevor
Exactly as Gayle said, I'm also guilty of not commenting nearly enough.
If you do decide to stop writing I understand, but I'll miss dipping into how you're doing.
Thank you for the years and years of writing. I know that at times the mojo seems to disappear, so it's always a pleasant surprise to see you back again.
The very best to you, Sir.

TrevorW�� said...

So sorry that you have had a spell back in hospital. As you are a consistent comment leaver I have to admit I was concerned that you had disappeared from the internet. It's really odd because although we have never actually met It feels as if I know you because of your regular comments.I do hope that you continue to improve health wise and you start to build up your strength again.....

TrevorW�� said...

@Alan Sloman
I do appreciate the times that you have left a comment over the years Alan.It doesn't seem possible that I have been writing on the blog for well over ten years..

Anne said...

Sorry to tell everyone that Trevor passed away peacefully on the 4th june. I thank everyone who read his blog and kept in touch over the years he did appreciate it. Regards Anne

Six weeks off.

 The visit to see the Consultant went quite well really ...   My ' numbers' have started to creep up again so I am going to be given...