A couple of weeks ago I mentioned on this blog that I was having a difficult time finding any interesting bikes to photograph here in Bournemouth. Well on the way across to the Purbecks by way of the Studland chain ferry on Friday for my daily ride I came across these....The first bike is a 1970's classic pro-race machine...actually I saw it on route to the ferry. I saw the rider in the distance and thought "Oh goody.. someone to try and reel in". Truth of the matter is that the rider of this beautiful machine was not really trying..he was
just out for a nice easy ride....as I got closer I could see by the shape of the bike that this was something rather special.....anyway in my childish competitive mind I just imagined that I was competing in a 1970's 'Milk Race' and that I was really a much better rider than him and was about to gobble him up and spit him out....as I swept past him I said "nice day for it" referring to the the stunning weather that we were enjoying. As I 'took the lead' I thought to myself what a gorgeous bike that was.........
I arrived at the ferry just as it was docking and a few minutes later the guy with the Raleigh also arrived at the ferry...we struck up a conversation during which he told me a little of the history of his bike...Apparently it was a professional rebuild and I must say that it looked it...she really was a beauty and it was finished in a wonderful deep purple...my colour.!! The rider was new to the area and he asked me about local cycling clubs...naturally I gave him the details of my club so I will probably get to know the bike and it's rider a lot better in the future.
We boarded the ferry and continued our conversation...a little while later another interesting machine boarded the ferry....a nice red Hetchins... My new 'friend' and I got into conversation with the Hetchins rider..he told us that the bike used to be his father's and that he had promised him before he died that he would continue to keep the bike on the road and ride it every now and then. The Hetchins guy was basically a MTB rider and not a roadie, but he was out with the bike fulfilling his promise to his Dad..When we arrived at the Studland side I let the two 'classic bike' riders go on ahead on their respective rides while I held back for a few minutes...This is my standard routine...I always like to allow any other riders on the ferry to set off for a few minutes...it gives me something to aim for....anyway...I set off myself a few minutes later catching up with the Hetchins first and passing him with a polite cyclists wave and then a short while later just as we hit the start of the hills near Studland village I caught the 'purple beauty' for the second time that day.
Who would have believed it...two really nice classic machines on the one ride....It was my fifth time on the ferry this week and most days I really don't see anyone.
"What about the training rides?" I hear you ask...well in my last posting I was bemoaning the fact that I seemed to be stuck at about 15 - 15.2mph average speed on each ride and didn't seem to be making any noticeable improvements and how disappointing I was finding it. It seems that there is nothing better than disappointment to fuel the hunger to improve...this week I have found more power on the hills and also have made some improvements in my descending ..the overall result for the week saw me nudging 15.5mph over the 180.72 miles that I completed this week.....Different week.....Different results..!! As I have mentioned before - my training route is very hilly...over the thirty miles of the standard route only two 'one mile' sections are level....
As a nice little bonus...on the return ferry trip I met up with a young couple in their twenties who were on fully loaded touring bikes...and I do mean fully loaded..I don't think that I have ever seen such heavily loaded machines. When I go touring I try to do it very lightweight but these guys were in for the long haul and were on route to Spain - Gibraltar - Morocco and that was just the start of their trip. We obviously had lots to chat about regarding the Spain - Gibraltar section of the ride...A really nice couple and I wish them safe riding...I don't have a photo of them because I got the feeling that they would not want their image posted on the internet...
And....what about my own ride back from Gibraltar in September - any news ? Well.....NO! It is looking more and more as if the Rock2UK ride in it's original form will not take place....but I am hoping that by my next posting I will be able to report on some interesting developments regarding this trip.
I always read these posts. I must admit I usually get fed up half way through. I love anything a wee bit wacky and spending money on what I have always regarded as inferior and outdated transport is more than strange.
Your enthusiasm comes through in your writing. You may yet convert me!
I enjoyed this post as much as you enjoyed outdated machinery........I do too but not if I have to peddle it. Glad you had a good day.
Whilst I'm on why do you enable Word Verification? It's a bloody nuisance I took it off and have had no problems.....so far!!
Thanks for posting those two classics. And I'm glad to hear you are making progress! I hope your Rock2UK trip works out.
I needs me a lugged frame!
That chain stay is some sexy stuff.
Great news on your improvements.
I seem to be going backwards.
I mean slower.
Thanks for the comments-they really made me laugh. I don't consider bikes as inferior or outdated. LOL! Indeed my best bike cost me more than a small car and is as technologically advanced in it's field as a F1 car. It actually uses materials developed in Formula 1 such as Ultra high modulus carbon fibre- kevlar & titanium.
I bikes as a very 'efficient' means of transport...But more than that, it is a passion and I love the history of the machines and the sport.
As for 'word verification' I have removed it for you. Any one who attempts to read this stuff (even if they do get fed up half way through) deserves their life to be made easier...
*Big Oak*
Glad you enjoyed the two classics they certainly were great to see out on the road..
It's on my 'bike wish list' too...classic lugged steel framed bike....I will keep you posted...who knows..?
Wow! I always say that the joy of riding isn't always in the ride, but the people and things you come across. Sounds like this ride was a winner!
Nice read. Made me wish I have a few of my 'classics' back from the 70's Would be fun to ride em.
That old steel road bike is incredible. I keep looking in friends' sheds and garages, just in case one is stuck in a corner gathering dust, just waiting to be ridden.
This is a good blog. Keep up all the work. I too love blogging and expressing my opinions
Hello, Trevor!
It's great to see him in shape!
About the bikes: hard to pick one. The purple bike really seems to be the best.
A great week for you.
I have been wanting a vintage ride like those, but from I hear from someone I hold dear, I have too many bikes already I fear. Nice post.
I don't recall seeing a bent chainstay like on that Hetchins elsewhere. Clearly it was done on purpose, though I can't really see any advantage to doing that.
*Steve A*
Hetchins were well known for the 'curly' stays...They were known as the 'Original Curly Stays Bicycle Manufacturer since 1934'.
As for reasons...well here is one courtesy of www.classiclightweights.co.uk
'Hetchins soon became synonimous with extremely elaborate lugwok and of course the 'curly' rear ends which made the frame unmissable even from a distance. This was very convenient in the era when any photograph of a machine which showed the makers name could result in the disqualification of the rider. As Hetchins were known to help top riders with equipment this meant that they got very good value for their money'.
Like Adrian, I am not big on bikes..... yet, but your writing is inspiring. I didn't realise that there was this sub cultural thing going on that I see replicated in Motorbike owners at cafes at the end of classic roads or dog owners at the seafront promenade ... which is what I was thinking about when I was reading this post !
My friend is educating me on the anatomy of his spare bike ready for me having a test run soon !! He will get me into the bike shop to splash the cash... just a question of when we are both free at the same time. In the meantime , I continue to educate myself here.
Trevor, if you want a small bike this send me an address so I can send it by courier (FedEx).
It would be a pleasure, my brother.
Enjoyed this post, I ride a classic myself, a "Dave Scott Centurion Ironman."
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