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Now retired but busy still living..

Saturday, 30 July 2011


Three weeks tomorrow I will be setting off for the outward journey to Gibraltar and the start of the 'Rock2UK' ride.

It was about this time last year whilst I was still undergoing radiotherapy that the idea was hatched. The very thought of a bike ride across the entire length of Spain and France gave me great strength and a lot of hope during a very dark episode in my life's story and although the recovery process has not all been plain sailing I am pretty certain that ROCK2UK enabled me to concentrate my focus on recovery and has helped get me to this point one year on.

Since ROCK2UK was first discussed the original plan has changed a number of times due to all the variables involved in arranging a trip like this.
Dave (broom wagon) Vaughan had told us that he would be unable to accompany us as support, as his employers would not give him the time off required. This meant that we faced the extra task of crossing Spain first to get to Gibraltar before heading back to the UK...it looked like it was going to be UK2ROCK2UK.
We had also hoped that we could  recruit some additional adventurous souls to ride with us.

The final plans are as follows.....

Dave HAS been able to negotiate some extra time from work by selling his soul to his employers...!!!
This means we will now be driven by Dave in the broom wagon to Plymouth on Sunday 21st August. We will then catch the ferry to Santander arriving there at about 12.00hrs local time on Monday 22nd. Dave will then drive us to Salamanca where we will stay overnight before continuing our journey to Gibraltar where we hope to arrive on the evening of Tuesday 23rd.
We will start the ride back to the UK on either the Wednesday or Thursday. Dave will accompany us with the support vehicle for the first four or five days and then he will head back home. We will be on our own as an unsupported ride for the rest of the trip.

No other possible riders came forward..........a lot of people said that they would love to do a ride like that, but were also able to put forward a score of reasons why they were unable to actually do so.....therefore it will be just JD and myself doing the pedal pushing.

For my part..although it has been a touch or go type of situation with my health all year... I have managed to continue with the training rides and by the time we set off I should have about 5,000miles under my belt so far this year.
One of the reasons for me doing this ride....apart from the pure cycling enjoyment of course....is to draw attention to the fact that even a diagnosis of cancer need not mean you cannot achieve your goals..!
Just go for it..... look at Lance Armstrong.

Both John and myself will be hoping to raise money for our respective chosen charities- more of which in another post.

As we approach the start of this trip over the next few weeks I will post more about the plans and our expectations of the ride itself.


Steve A said...

Now, the question: "If the Spanish know you are a Brit going to Gibraltar, do they automatically arrest you as a matter of protocol and wounded national pride?" Or do you simply tell them you're going somewhere along your route in southern Spain?

coastkid said...

Sounds like an amazing trip is in store for you guys!

jeff said...

I can't wait to read about it, and look at lots of pictures! This truly sounds like an epic trip.

Anonymous said...

Have a good journey!
(and take a lot of nice photos! :))

GreenComotion said...

That's an inspiring post, Trevor! Like you say, there is nothing to stop you --- go for it!

Peace :)

TrevorW�� said...

*Steve A*
I think that I will keep off the Gibraltar subject when chatting with Spanish Nationals....it is a very sore subject as your comment highlights.

*coastkid* *jeff* *Mr Paparazzo*

Yeah..it should be a good trip and I hope to take lots of photos. When I get back I will do a number of features about it on this blog and I also hope to make some short postings every few days while actually doing the ride.

I just find that so many people talk about doing these kind of trips but most never get around to actually doing it...
I have always been one for a bit of adventure and I won't let a spot of illness get in the way...


hola trevor..!!!!!! un placer tenerte de nuevo entre nosotros.que no falte nunca el pedalear de los bikers.saludos desde españa..!!!!!

J_on_tour said...

Best wishes for the trip. Hope everything including the small details goes well.

TrevorW�� said...

Thanks Guys...We are certainly looking forward to Cycling in Spain..

Thanks J....The small details are always the most difficult to sort out...

Six weeks off.

 The visit to see the Consultant went quite well really ...   My ' numbers' have started to creep up again so I am going to be given...