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Now retired but busy still living..

Wednesday 22 August 2012

TOO OLD........

Maybe I am getting too old for this cycling lark.....or anything else come too that. 

A couple of weeks ago I went down to the garage to get the bike ready for my daily ride...I was dressed in my cycling gear except for my shoes....
Because on the Felt I use Shimano SPD-SL cleats etc- I put on an old pair of slip on shoes to walk down the stairs of Purple Towers...if I wore the Shimano shoes with those cleats and tried to walk down the stairs it's pretty certain I would end up on my backside......

Anyway I got the bike out and decided to put some more pressure in the tyres as I do before every ride....I removed the valve caps and put them to one side - inflated the tyres - put the front valve cap back on the valve and went to put on the rear cap.......could I find it..??  NO!  

I looked everywhere for it....
Stupid thing is that I knew that I had put it in exactly the same place as the front one but it wasn't there. 
I seemed to spend ages looking for it.....I really hate losing anything and this was starting to send me mad.....
I checked over the front of the garage floor inch by inch but in the end I had to admit defeat....maybe the cycle fairies had whisked it away. 
I took a cap from a spare inner tube I had in the garage and set off on my ride.... 

All through the 60 odd miles of my ride I kept running the mornings scenario over in my head......
How could a bright yellow continental valve cap just dissolve into thin air...Maybe my mind is finally giving up.....maybe this was the beginning of the end.... In short it niggled me throughout the entire ride...

About four hours later I arrived back home.... put the bike in it's stand....removed my helmet and took off the shimano shoes...I started to  put back on the old slip on shoes, but as I was about to put  on the second one I noticed a flash of yellow on the sole.... 

Yes....It was the blasted valve cap that I had spent ages looking for before the ride and all of the ride thinking about....I must have trodden on it and because the soles of these old shoes are getting a bit worn now it had slid up inside the sole itself.....no wonder I couldn't find the valve cap.....as I was scrambling all over the garage looking for it, it was attached all the time to my left foot......
As I said.... 'maybe I am getting too old for this cycling lark'.


The bike shed said...

Oh I'm definitely too old, bit it doesn't stop us does it? Long may I blunder along!

Anonymous said...

Nar, it could happen to a much younger bloke. Keep on cycling.
Mind I was going to go cycle campng this weekend but I've had enough of wet weather camping and as the forecast is so rotten, I'm gong to stay home instead. Am I getting too old?

Melanie Suzanne said...

Heeheehee! I'm surprised the cap stayed in your shoe that long!

jeff said...

I Know exactly hoe you feel. At least you found it. I hate it when I can't find something I know should be there. Even worse, when I can't remember what I was looking for. I'm getting too old for this, but I don't want to stop!

anniebikes said...

Way to go! Now I've seen everything...thanks for a laugh.

Steve A said...

Good thing you went for the ride or you STILL might be searching!

John Romeo Alpha said...

That's a great story, and I can identify. But it sounds like a shoe-problem, not a Trevor-problem.

Paul said...

Trevor that's classic! Stuff like that happens to me all the time.

Gail Is This Mutton? said...

As per the title of a film, "My Left Foot." At least you found it! You're never too old for anything.

Joan X said...

never too old lol :) must fight with all the setbacks. My grandfather said: and rest when I die

Greetings from Barcelona

limom said...

Pesky caps.
You need some with Swarovski crystals in them.
You know, status quo and all that.

GreenComotion said...

Well, I am glad you at least found it in the end.
I have to post about me searching for my eye glasses, sometime :)

Peace :)

TrevorW�� said...

Well, that seemed to touch a chord with a lot of you....Thanks for your comments...maybe I'll keep cycling after all.!!

Six weeks off.

 The visit to see the Consultant went quite well really ...   My ' numbers' have started to creep up again so I am going to be given...