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Now retired but busy still living..

Friday, 22 November 2013

It's Arrived....

Wednesday's delivery
 It arrived early on Wednesday morning.....very early...so early in fact that the courier actually got me out of bed......
The delivery consisted of one large box containing my new mountain bike..... quite a speedy delivery, as I only ordered the bike on Monday....
The contents of the box.....
I told Anne that it was an early Christmas present from me...to me!!
Inside the box the bike was very well  protected with sealed foam wrapping and cable ties.....
Within twenty five minutes I had the bike fully assembled and all set up.......
All prepared and ready to go...
Getting a new bike of any kind is always a fun experience......
Every time I get another  bike I always say 'that will be the last bike that I will buy'......I mean, lets face it, at almost sixty six years of age how much time do I have to ride four bikes...? 
So I will say it again... That will be the last bike that I will buy..!!
'Head to the woods' on the seat tube...
As you can see in the picture above......On the seat tube there is the legend 'head to the woods'.....
So that is exactly what I did.....!!


John Horner said...

Trevor, there is a gentleman near me in Shropshire who is 91 yrs and he has got three or four bikes, and he goes out two to three times a week still, I think he's brilliant

TrevorW�� said...

'John Horner'
That's great to know John....on that basis there is obviously lots of time for me to add to my bike stable.

Marsha said...

Wonderful color!

TrevorW�� said...

I must admit that I was a bit unsure of the colour when I ordered the bike Marsha, but now it's arrived I must say that I actually like it. ._.

Gg said...

Looks like a fuuuun bike & I completely agree with the statement. That is the place to ride! Enjoy it :-)

TrevorW�� said...

'Georgie Ormrod'
Thanks Georgie I certainly intend to....

Michael said...

Certainly is a good looking bike.

Jim said...

The right number of bikes to own is n+1!

TrevorW�� said...

'Michael Wagner'
Thanks Michael...I'm looking forward to getting some good miles under the wheels...

Which is of course a forever unachievable number Jim.. ._.

anniebikes said...

Trevor, I love the color. Orange and purple are two colors of bikes that I plan to own...someday.

Steve A said...

Is this your only bike with disc brakes?

TrevorW�� said...

It is a bright colour Annie...a bit of an autumn colour really.

'Steve A'
It is Steve....as I intend getting this bike muddy I thought that discs might be a good idea.

limom said...

So when are you getting the baggy shorts and a helmet with a visor?

TrevorW�� said...

Believe it or not I actually have those....they were left over from my Lands End to John o'Groats ride which I did on a 26" wheeled bike...
Mind you I look a bit of a Dork in them....worse than I do in roadie lycra if that's possible :-)

J_on_tour said...

Great post, talking of which I got myself a new bike last week. I consider one person and two moments of inspiration to be the key but I'd like to think you are the constant subliminal fourth inspiration as I have followed your page during this period.
I'll talk about it all on my blog at an appropriate moment with a couple of bike hire posts up my sleeve.

TrevorW�� said...

Great to hear that you have got yourself a new bike J.... I look forward to reading all about it...

Toby Field said...

Nice bike.

I have an orange Genesis.

TrevorW�� said...

"Toby Field"
I've seen your Genesis Day One on you blog Toby...very nice it looks too..

John Horner said...

Trevor, have you got that bike dirty yet ?

TrevorW�� said...

"John Horner"
Ha...Ha... Yes John I have got it dirty, but not exactly muddy yet....hoping to do that over Christmas and New year...

Six weeks off.

 The visit to see the Consultant went quite well really ...   My ' numbers' have started to creep up again so I am going to be given...