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Now retired but busy still living..

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Far more 'spring like' than the local tip......

Since my last post Anne and I have been really making some headway with our plans for our big adventure...
We have managed to shift out lot's of items of furniture etc....... you really know you are getting on top of it all when the rooms have a bit of an echo....
Even the garage is almost empty and I think that all our trips to the tip and upcycling and recycling organizations is slowly coming to an end.... probably two or three more trips should see it all done...

We seem to have been working on the task of simplifying and removing all the clutter in our lives for ages - we actually started on it back in mid September last year - but we are both feeling the benefits of our decision already, it's like having a weight lifted.

It is really surprising how much STUFF we can accumulate over our lives.
In the past whenever we have moved we have just packed everything up and moved it on to the next house.....we have never had a proper sort out, so over the years the STUFF just grows and grows.
Deciding to go travelling before moving into our next home has been a great opportunity to just get rid of everything..!!

We have both agreed that when we finally stop our travels and settle in Devon we will keep everything simple and will live a more clutter free existence......

Rather than show you an image of the local tip or a charity shop or recycling organization's offices (all of which I seem to have spent a lot of time at recently) I thought that I would leave you with a picture of some snowdrops....far more Spring like........

SNOWDROPS - far more Spring like than the local tip!!


GreenComotion said...

Congrats on the fine decision to live clutter-free in Devon. Letting go, while it may not be easy, has its benefits, as you have experienced.

Nice ice-flower, but I sure hope you get some cycling-conducive weather soon.

Have a Beautiful Day!
Peace :)

rlove2bike said...

Getting rid of clutter, now that really sounds nice. I know I am guilty of have clutter...a lot of it! I enjoy reading of your adventure.

p.s. no flowers here in northern WI hehe


TrevorW�� said...

I am sure that there is some really good cycling weather just around the corner Chandra.

A clutter free life seems to simplify everything RL....

Steve A said...

I think y'all will continue to travel even after "settling" in Devon.

TrevorW�� said...

*Steve A*
You could well be right Steve.....

Six weeks off.

 The visit to see the Consultant went quite well really ...   My ' numbers' have started to creep up again so I am going to be given...