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Now retired but busy still living..

Wednesday 5 July 2017

We just had to pay a visit.........

We have left Suffolk and are now in the county of Norfolk....
We are camped on the southern edge of Norwich but before we left Constable country we just had to pay a visit to Flatford Mill.....

For nearly 100 years from 1742 to 1846 Flatford Mill was owned by the Constable family and it was around the mill that John Constable got inspiration for some of his most famous pictures such as the Haywain or Boatbuilding near Flatford Mill among many others....

I had always wanted to visit the area and stand in the exact spot that Constable had stood when he created his preliminary sketches for his famous picture 'The Haywain'.

Now I am not an Artist but I did manage to take a photo from the spot..... the only thing missing of course is the Haywain itself......
Although the foliage is much thicker and the view not so open as it was in Constable's time you can see that it is the same view with the end of Willie Lotts house visible on the left side of the frame.....

The visit to the area was really enjoyable and was a good place to finish our stay in Suffolk before our move up here to Norfolk....

I've posted my photo of the Haywain view (minus the Haywain of course) below......


Gids said...

It's a shame that the most famous painted landscapes are not maintained in their original format - big non the less you can see it is the same spot. Enjoy Norfolk we aim to get to West Runton or sandringham sites in the next few weeks.we are presently at St Neots which is gorgeous

TrevorW�� said...

We might stop off at St Neots when we start to head back at the end of August... We are booked at Sandringham when we leave here in eleven days time.... Who knows we might see you there :-)

Unknown said...

Excellent remembrance

TrevorW�� said...

*Peter Roberts*
Thanks Peter... If you haven't been there it is well worth a visit....

Six weeks off.

 The visit to see the Consultant went quite well really ...   My ' numbers' have started to creep up again so I am going to be given...