We are now back in Devon...
In actual fact we have been here for two weeks.
Since we have been back the weather has been very mixed although the predominant weather seems to have been rain and gale force winds.
Tavistock Town Hall |
Anne heading for the Pannier Market. |
The day that we left Moreton it was a nice dry day with very light winds making it a perfect towing day for the journey down here.
We are back on the same winter seasonal pitch as we were last winter as you can see in the photo above..
The first few days following our arrival here turned out to be settled weather which was good for setting up.
Anne was reunited with her little Peugeot 107 which we had left at her son's house when we headed off in the spring.
It needed a good clean but that wasn't a problem with the fair weather during those first few days. I even managed to get the caravan washed and polished ready for the winter weather.
It was a good job that I did those cleaning jobs when I did because the following day the bad weather moved in and has been with us ever since...
We have already visited Tavistock Pannier Market and been back to some of our favourite shops and pubs in the town.
We will be back in Dorset again in December as I have to have another MRI scan and it will also be nice to see my daughter and family in the Christmas season although we will be back here again for Christmas itself.
Talking about MRI's and hospital appointments.... I seem to have got away with things again as my cardiologist is still allowing me to continue to ride my bike although I do have strict heart rate limits to work within..
I have to admit that over the past three months I have not ridden the bike as often as I would have liked mainly due to the sketchy weather.
I need to get back to some level of fitness so I will be using my turbo trainer a fair bit in order to target the areas of my cycling fitness that I think that I need to concentrate on.
It is also easier to train on the turbo and still manage to train within my heart rate zones which until I get back to fitness is pretty important for me as I am under strict instructions not to exceed my safe zones....
One thing that I have now started to do again is to post monochrome images on my 'Aura of Past Shadows' photography blog.
It is over six years since I last posted images on a regular basis on the blog.
I think that I stopped posting due to the planning for our full time touring and just never restarted. I thought that now would be a good time to start posting again.
During the winter season when we are not travelling I tend to spend more time on my monochrome photography anyway and it will be nice to share some of my images and thoughts on the blog again.
There is a link from this blog to the 'Aura of Past Shadows' in the sidebar.