Well we have done it. John and I finished our ride at Ringwood at about 1715 hours today. We arrived to a suprise reception with a huge support - a lot to take in when you have been stuck to a bike saddle for four days. All very welcome though and it certainly made the gruelling effort very worthwhile. I even got to meet Dawn who apparently is the number one fan of the Purpletraveller Blog . Nice to meet you Dawn! ! For anyone who thinks riding 100 miles a day is easy just take a look at the state of Johns saddle at the end of the ride. I promise you it was pristine before we started. John tells me his posterior is in an even worse state- just doesnt bear thinking about does it? Its not a picture any sane person wants to be stuck with! As on previous days we have had support in the form of a brother cyclist joining us for a couple of stages of our route. For everyone who rode with us for sections of our route a huge thankyou - your support and help really did contribute to the total success of the ride. As always it was a great adventure riding with John and I really enjoyed being part of a superb ride for such a worthwhile cause. Before i sign off from this posting i must mention the vehicle escort we had from Fordingbridge all the way to Ringwood. Hazard lights flashing the car led up all the way carving a safe path for us. It was just like being in the Tour de France talking of which i will now settle down and catch up on the recordings of the first two days of that great sporting event. As a nation we might not be able to play football but we have eight guys in the Tour who can certainly ride bikes.
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