With the weather we have been getting over the past couple of weeks I have not been getting much cycling done. The skinny 23mm tyres on my road bikes just do not mix with the amount of snow we have had. Even the 32mm tyres on the touring bike don't cut it in this sort of weather. If we are going to continue to get this type of weather in the years ahead maybe I should consider adding a Pugsley to my bike stable.
SEASONS GREETINGS to all my friends out there in the blogosphere. I wish you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR.
I will not be making any more postings until the New Year as I wish to spend as much time as possible with my family. I will be back again in 2011. Your comments will still be uploaded.
It's pretty, but I prefer that you have it instead of me! How's that for being self-centered!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, too!
Very pretty scene. Merry Christmas to you too!
Golly, it looks a little like Whistler Village. Do you ski or snowboard?
Happy Holidays, and that's quite a winter wonderland you've got there!
Nice to see somebody else getting the snow. From our family to yours...we wish a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Nice shot - it is like a ski village.....
That looks too idyllic to be true!
To you and your family, have a safe and Happy Holidays!
Have a good one Trevor - After a close shave you deserve some quality time with loved ones.
Gracias por los saludos navideños. Excelentes tus imagenes.
Dos Buhos
Happy Christmas and a great new year to you.
Wow, a White Christmas! Hope you get a Pugsley from Santa! :-) All the best for the festive season to you and your family and I'm looking forward to following your adventures again in 2011!
Have a great Christmas. Your dedication to commenting on other blogs including mine has earned you all the time you need to spend with your family.
greetings to you *Purple biker*, from Melody Chrismix
Love Peace Music
Happy New Year!
I think our views out the window have a lot in common.
Beautiful wintry photos ....It's a lovely scene...Holiday greetings from Maine, USA!
hi there Trevor (aka the Purple Traveller), thank you for becoming one of my *Followers*... (that's cool!) Nice Christmas present...eh eh eh (;o)*
I don't know whether you saw the comment that I wrote on one of my spaces (if you're travelling, maybe not) for you. (;o)* Anyway, we'll stay tuned...
Where I am right now it is snowing and -12 celsius (Germany)
Your pictures are absolutely beautiful, with a magical touch...
smiles from Melody Chrismix
Love Peace Music
Que en esta Navidad se cumplan todos nuestros deseos.
Felices Fiestas desde Salamanca.
I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.
I wish a Happy New Year to you and your family!!! Trevor
Greetings, Sandro e Cristina
I knew your blog through a blogger friend in common: Fernando (Chana).
Congratulations on your blog and beautiful photos!
Grande abraço!
soooo lovely. i got to goto the snow for a couple of days up here in Yosemite. AMAZING
beautiful shots xxomeli
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