Our worst fears were well founded. Todays conditions were more atrocious than yesterday! More rain but heavier. More lorries but bigger. More muck more of it. More pain More pain and even more pain! Today it got to the point where we were unable to change gears because our hands were so wet and cold. Today rates as the worst conditions for cycling that I have ever known. We arrived at the ferry at Gourock for the crossing over to Dunoon with 10 minutes to spare. In those 10 minutes our bodies seemed to shut down due to the exertion and the cold and wet. We decided at that point that on landing at Dunoon we would book in at a Guest house and have an early finish. Common sense prevailed- this now means that due to the bad weather it is likely that we will arrive at JOG 24 hours late ie Friday. We have very comfortable rooms for the night which is great for our recovery and this evening we went into town for a curry to warm us up.We were made most welcome at the Bombay Indian Restaurant in Dunoon by Mr Suki Sangha who was the perfect host. At the end of the evening he handed us an envelope containing 40 pounds for our charity fund. What generosity from someone who had only met us a couple of hours earlier- a true gentleman!! Oh and the food was top notch too. Mileage today 65 miles of very hard earned mile munching - Average speed 13.9 mph - Top speed 34.5 ori- Calories burned 3676 . We dare not listen to the weather forecast ! !
Hang in there, you guys, the end is nearly in sight! You have our utmost admiration, in view of the abysmal weather you've had. You'll be pleased to know a high is forecast for the end of the week! Well done to you all.
You guys are amazing! Please tell John his cousin in California says hello and keep up the good work!
Take care & Try to keep dry.
Keep it up guys!
Fantastic effort you are all doing very well in arduous conditions head down and grind it out lads
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