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Now retired but busy still living..

Saturday 5 June 2010


Just a few more shots taken on our recent Normandy Cyclepacking trip.
Sorry for the one week delay in getting these posted but since we returned I have not been well.
Being a foolish kind of person -I made the mistake of indulging in alcohol whilst I was in France- only the once-but it was enough to mix badly with my medication . I had been warned NOT to drink but hey I was on holiday. The result was not good- disorientation-bad mood swings and pain. It's taken a week to get things back to how they should be. I have learnt a lesson...!
The photos are just a mix of why we went to Normandy.
Sitting around doing nothing but maybe drink a coffee.
D-Day beaches and war graves.
Don't ask........! What was Mike doing?
Ride our bikes.

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