Well at last we can see the colour green. Don't misunderstand me- it is still very hot and we are both pretty well exhausted but for the first time on this trip we feel that we have made some progress. We hope to be able to give you a report about Pamplona tomorrow. We intend to have a free rest day so that we can get some chores such as washing done and also be tourists for a day. Crossing Spain at speed is a young mans game I think but it is always good to give them a run for their money. If you have not donated to our charity yet please do- John and I are all but killing ourselves here whilst you are probably sat at home with your feet up - or at best cycled 70 miles without panniers. You should try this sometime- afterwards anything will feel a million times better.
Hi John and Trevor, am following your progress and most of us in England could do with some of your warmth - just announced, the coolest August since 1993 here. If you're taking the day off tomorrow its bound to rain! Keep up the good work John - I have £1000 in donations for 2014 so far from Dorset Freemasonry. Keep pedaling and keep posting. David Dunford
Riding a fully-loaded tourer is not an easy job. I commend you both!
Be safe out there!
Peace :)
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