Today was just more of everything. More heat- more miles and more pain. I have seen on the internet link that both Mark Cavendish and Matt Goss have had to retire from the Vuelta de Espana because of the heat here in Spain. I have to ask if those young pro cyclists have retired due to the heat what are us two oldies doing- perhaps we are mad after all. . . . The extreme heat has caused John's Thermarest mattress to burst. I think he blew it up too hard and the heat caused the air to expand and BANG! John is now having to use it as it is- it's not as comfortable as it was but when he replaces it after this trip I bet he won't blow the replacement up so hard! To make matters worse he has also managed to break the zip on his sleeping bag. We hope to get to Pamplona on Thursday evening- about 150 miles- we then plan to have a rest day so that we can do some washing and also look around the place, in other words play at tourists for the day. I think we both deserve that. . . . . .
wow, for a sleeping mattress to burst is a lot of heat! ...weather for mad dogs and Englishmen I suspect...? !
I have been enjoying your trip. Thanks for the write-ups and the beautiful pictures.
So, I need to blow more air in my Thermarest to get a new one. I have been wanting a newer thicker one, but mine is still in good shape and I hate to spend on a new one when the one I have still works.
Hope things soon improve for you and JD - may the sky cloud over, the wind blow cooler, the ground get softer and the miles get shorter! Good luck and keep those pedals spinning! Mike & Chris
PS Oh and the odd water tap beside the road wouldn't go amiss either!
Well done Trevor and John - I am amazed at the progress you are making in that heat! Hope you are enjoying your "tourist" day.
All the best,
Jason B-Lee
That's a tough one to sleep on an a deflated air mattress. The heat sounded uncomfortable.
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