After yesterdays bad weather we woke today to a bright sunny morning and a barometric reading of 1019m.bars. It looked like we were on for 2 good days cycling. Todays photo shows Dave John and Jason at one of todays quick feed stops. Shortly after this shot was taken we lost John for about 3hrs. Dave made contact with him at the 71mls mark and swept him up with the broom wagon as he felt that John had done enough and was starting to show signs of fatigue. Tonight we are camping just outside of Chantonnay which is north east of La Rochelle. The roads are a lot less busy than the UK and the drivers give us plenty of room which just does not happen back home. Lorry drivers often give a beep of the horn to warn us to prepare for a strong draft just before they pass us. The scenery is often simply stunning and as we cycle along we can smell the various wild flowers and other plants. Today has been cycling at its very best. We hope that tomorrow will be more of the same.
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