Today was a hot day 35c hot! As well as the smell of wild flowers was the added aroma of molten tar and a similar noise to cycling in the wet except it was wet tar instead of the rain that we have come to expect on this trip.We had a shorter day on the road today in order to give us some camp time. This allowed us to complete little tasks such as clothes washing etc. We are staying at a really nice camp site at a little village called La Garette not far from Niort. It really is a pretty little place and it is one of those places that you feel really lucky to have stumbled across. Washing and other chores done we thought that we would check out the local restaurants ( see photo). We obviously made a good choice as it was the best meal out so far. It is still 31c as i write this at 22.19 so we could be in for a very warm night- too warm for the sleeping bag !
1 comment:
Issued any P.F's yet ? JBL in flip flops must be a byelaw offense !!..........Best of luck with the rest of the trip chaps and make sure JD stops slacking !!
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